Tuesday, May 10, 2011

starting over...

So... back in high school I was a vegetarian. When I was pregnant with my oldest son I thought I needed to eat meat so he would get all the nutrients I was missing in my less than stellar diet. Though I never went back to vegetarianism, I really don't eat a lot of meat so it's not too much of a stretch to give it up completely. Not to mention the fact that I've always loved raw fruits and veggies, even more than sugary sweets! I've really been thinking about this for a good long while now and there are a number of reasons I think it's a good idea. Not only to eat healthier and to help my children learn to eat healthier but after watching many a documentary and seeing the horrible ways in which so many animals are slaughtered, after living equally horrible lives, well I just don't want to be a part of that. :(
The thing that makes me worry is, NOW I have to cook for not only myself, but my children (who can sometimes be a bit picky when it comes to trying new things). And I'm pretty sure we need to eat something other than just pasta. lol 
So today I went on a little hunt. I checked Amazon and read A LOT of reviews. I have a stack of cookbooks in my cart. What I really need is a book (or book*S*) with meals that aren't too difficult because I really can't spend hours making dinner every night (or maybe I should say, I don't WANT to spend hours making dinner. I'm not all that fond of cooking). The recipes should also not contain a million hard to find ingredients because I'm not going to waste time or gas going to fifteen different stores to find what I need. I know there are loads of free recipes online but I just don't even know where to begin looking for something that might please everyone. I thought flipping through some books, marking some pages and then trying a few things out would be a good start on the road to vegetarianism. 
These are the books I am contemplating: 
Vegan with a Vengance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock 
Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook   
Appetite for Reduction: 125 Fast and Filling Low Fat Vegan Recipes
Supermarket Vegan: 225 Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Real People in the Real World  
The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions: Veganize It! Foolproof Methods for Transforming Any Dish into a Delicious New Vegan Favorite 

Yeah... that's the narrowed down list. No one will ever accuse me of being a lazy researcher. Though I have been accused of being a bit obsessive once I latch onto something. ;)

At any rate... I am pondering them. I will be reading further into the reviews to find a book or two that will be the right fit for me. As well as searching online recipe sites. And I hope to try out my first new recipe soon! 

I wanted to keep track of it all here on this blog, mostly as a reference. A place I can come back to and see what I tried, what I liked and what I didn't.

Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar: 100 Dairy-Free Recipes for Everyone's Favorite Treats

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